2024 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Ecosystem (ICREE 2024)

Scope of the conference
With the increasing global energy and environmental issues, the sustainable development of renewable energy and ecosystems has become a hot topic and an important issue worldwide. 2024 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Ecosystem (ICREE 2024), held in Beijing, China from July 26 to 28,2024, aims to promote research and development in the field of renewable energy and ecosystems, bringing together scholars, engineers, and industry experts from different countries and regions across various disciplines, including environmental science, engineering, ecology, energy science, and more. The scope of ICREE 2024 includes but are not limited to the development, utilization, and management of renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, geothermal, and ocean energy, the protection, restoration, and sustainable development of ecosystems, environmental pollution control, waste disposal, and resource recovery, as well as relevant policies, economic and social factors.
The conference also features keynote speeches and interactive Q&A sessions, encouraging participants to learn from each other and collaborate, making a greater contribution to the sustainable development of renewable energy and ecosystems. Experts and scholars from around the world are welcome to attend and share their guidance and expertise!
All papers, both invited and contributed, the accepted papers, will be published by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) (ISSN:1755-1315). The publisher will submit articles to Scopus, Conference Proceedings Citation Index—Science (CPCI-S) (Clarivate, Web of Science), ProQuest, Inspec and other databases for review and indexing after publication.

#ICREE 2023 Conference Proceedings has been published in EDP science: E3S Web of Conferences - Volume 424 (2023), and indexed by Scopus.

Peer Review Policy
All the papers will be peer reviewed, and each paper will be peer reviewed by 2-3 experts.
1. Manuscripts must be written in English;
2. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
3. Plagiarism and Duplicate submission are prohibited;
4. Innovation and scientific value is a must
Important Dates
Full paper Submission Deadline:
June 2, 2024
Notification of Acceptance:
June 12, 2024
Registration deadline:
July 20, 2024
Conferee Dates:
July 26 - 28, 2024
Papers for publication must be submitted in full paper electronically via the following email. All edition and update must be done up until the submission deadline.
Paper Template
Track 1: Renewable energy
Renewable energy generation technologies and applications
Renewable energy storage technologies and applications
Renewable energy in energy transition
Application of renewable energy in the process of urbanization
Application of renewable energy in mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Synergetic development of renewable energy and energy conservation and emission reduction
Social and environmental impacts of renewable energy
New renewable energy materials and technologies
Track 2: Ecosystem
Technologies for ecosystem protection and restoration
Ecosystem and environmental management
Synergetic development of renewable energy and ecosystem
Biodiversity in ecosystem protection and restoration
Ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation
Sustainable land management
Ecosystem resilience and restoration
Track 3: Environmental Informatics
Simulation, optimization and environmental decision support
Environmental geomatics - GIS, RS and other spatial information technologies
Informatics for environmental chemistry and biochemistry
Modeling of chemical, biological and environmental processes
Modeling of biotechnological systems for enhanced pollution mitigation
Development and application of environmental software, information and decision support systems
The scientific basis for monitoring
Call for Participants
We sincerely welcome experts in the areas of Renewable Energy and Ecosystem join the conference as reviewer. Send your latest CV to hebe.lv@gecacademy.com for further information.
If you are interested in attending the conference to participate in this gathering in the field of Conference on Renewable Energy and Ecosystem, you are welcome to join us and share your ideas!
Contact us:
ICREE aims at attracting a great number of Renewable Energy and Ecosystem research and applications people from both the academic and industrial communities, We believe that it is a very good chance for our sponsors to show their R&D capacities and the recent research achievements to potential customers on this effective platform.