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2024 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Ecosystem (ICREE 2024)
Each author or presenter must pay registration fee before the deadline. Only registered and paid papers will be scheduled in the conference program and proceedings. Registration is valid only when the payment is received and processed.
1. Author(s) registration
-Registration files include: finnal version of manuscript, copyright and payment receipts or proof.
Regular author
Author (committee member)
Additional page
Registration fee
500 USD or 3500 RMB
400 USD or 3200 RMB
50 USD or 300 RMB
One regular paper contains 5 pages, including the contents, author information, figures, tables and references. If the paper exceeds 5 Pages, 50 USD or 300 RMB/page will be charged.
2. Presenter Registration (oral presentation only)
-Registration files include: Abstract and payment receipts or proof.
Registration fee
120 USD or 800 RMB
3. Listener Registration
-Registration files include: personal contact information and payment receipts or proof.
Registration fee
150 USD or 1000 RMB
The cost of accommodation and transportation are not included in registration fee. The delegates need reserve rooms themselves. We advise you reserve rooms as early as you can. Except the conference hotel, you are free to reserve rooms nearby.
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